The Power of Visualisation: How Tennis and Poker Players Use It to Win

Visualisation can prove a useful tool for tennis players of all levels as well as competitors in other sports and games

Carlos Alcaraz, Queen's 2023 Carlos Alcaraz, Queen’s 2023 – © Action Plus / Panoramic

What are the worst and best matches of your career?

We know the mental images of your best and worst match have started replaying in your mind. All these flashbacks of your matches either motivate you to do better or demoralise you – but the thing you will notice is that the best matches motivate you to do better, and vice versa.

Visualisation works in the same way, where visualising the match at your best and winning it boosts your confidence, self-esteem and magnifies your positive energies.

In other words, visualisation is not about daydreaming; rather, it’s a process which is supported by science that helps in enhancing concentration, self-belief and results. 

Visualisation is utilised by sports experts, performers, and even poker players to prepare themselves for accomplishments. This is just as useful in sports like tennis as well as games such as poker. The players learn to visualise themselves winning and making the right moves, which is as effective as muscle drills. Not only this, players even use mental visualisation to win big in Best online pokies Australia to prepare themselves for the wins.

In this article, we will see how tennis players and poker players apply their visualisation skills to perform better and how you can use these excellent techniques to better your performance both on the courts and during poker games.

Visualisation in Tennis and Poker

Visualisation plays a great role in players’ wins as it prepares them to foresee the results beforehand. They prepare themselves mentally and psychologically, which helps them to stay calm under pressure. Roger Federer and Serena Williams have talked about this kind of mental training through visualisation to prepare themselves for what is ahead and never to lose their composure. 

Another example of the power of visualisation was represented by Medvedev. In 2019, he lost all three of his group matches at the ATP Finals while in 2020 he won all of them and eventually the title. In an interview he said that he creates mental images that he is going to go out there and be consistent again. 

Poker is not a physical sport like tennis but the intensity is even higher as this is a total mind game. Many factors influence wins in poker, including visualisation. The ability to stay focused and make strategic decisions under pressure without losing your cool is key to winning in poker. 

Pre-match Preparation

A tennis player, before a match, can visualise various aspects such as how he or she will serve, return, and then move on the court. They can even visualise playing against their next opponent, considering which tactics they will attempt to use and how they will react to each situation. This can help them prepare psychologically for an event, to calm their nerves and making them more alert for when they enter the court.

Confident tennis players can also visualise success. If they can see themselves hitting that winning shot or successfully completing an in-game strategy, then they are more able to turn it into  reality.

In-game Focus

Tennis matches can last a long time, and their intensity can require a great deal of patience and concentration because losing focus means losing the match. So visualisation comes into play at this time as well. 

After a mistake or a bad point, a positive visualisation can help a player regain their control and focus on the next shot. Match points and tiebreaks are the high-pressure moments which need a positive mindset. Hence, a mentally rehearsed player is more likely to stay calm to give his or her best in the next shots. 

Mental Rehearsal of Hands

Poker players often rehearse hand scenarios in their mind before a game or during one. They visualise how they would react to a strong hand, bluffing, or being short on chips in a high-stakes environment which prepares them for the possible results while staying sharp and courageous. Moreover, visualisation manages stress of the players which usually arises from a mentally exhausting game. 

Reading Opponents

Poker is all about reading cards, not just your own but also of the opponents, and this is a task where visualisation works wonders. It helps the players to imagine themselves in the different situations and rehearse how they will react to those situations. 

This process prepares the players for certain situations and act accordingly. It is also crucial in bluffing as it gives the players a confidence to stay calm and act confidently even if they are not holding the best hand. 

How to Practise Visualisation?

Whether you play tennis, poker, or some other competitive activity, visualisation is an acquired skill to use for further improvements in performance. Here is some step-by-step advice on how you can practise visualisation:

1. Find a Quiet Space

Start by finding a quiet and comfortable spot to relax, where you won’t be disturbed. You can either sit or lie down, close your eyes, and take a few deep breaths.

2. Picture Your Goal

Once you are relaxed, start to visualise the scene you want to improve at. For a tennis player, this might be serving perfectly or digging out in the long rally. For a poker player, this could be reading an opponent’s bluff or making a bet that works. Both of these involve some aspect of winning.

3. Engage All Your Senses

When visualising, try to engage as many senses as possible: the feel of the racquet in your hand, the sound of cards being dealt etc. The more vivid the mental image, the more effective the visualisation will be.

4. Stay Positive

Focus on positive results. Even after you have had a tough match or lost a hand, see yourself winning. This helps to instill confidence and reduces anxiety about future performances.

5. Practise Regularly

Like any other skill, visualisation improves with practice. Make it a routine part of your training, whether this is before a tennis match or a poker tournament.


Visualisation is a powerful mind tool that allows tennis players and poker pros to stay focused, confident, and poised for victory during the critical moments of the game. They visualise situations that they are going to be placed in to mentally deal with ways of surmounting those situations. Visualisation will help you keep your cool under pressure. Give it a try and see how it will transform your playing experience. 

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