WTA : Jelena Dokic a perdu 53 kilos

La joueuse australienne, ancienne numéro 4 mondiale, a perdu 53 kilos en 18 mois et veut encore rejouer, à 37 ans, après avoir repris la raquette lors du dernier Open d’Australie.

Une véritable métamorphose. Jelena Dokic a publié sur Instagram des clichés retraçant son impressionnante perte de poids, elle qui a pesé jusqu’à 120 kilos en a perdu 53 en 18 mois. « J’avais l’habitude de manger de façon excessive, puis de me laisser mourir de faim. De trop m’entraîner, puis de ne pas m’entraîner du tout. Et je me sentais triste et coupable. C’était un cercle vicieux et le plus inquiétant, c’est que je ne m’aimais pas », écrit-elle en légende de ces photos.

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18 months later and 53 kilos lost. Even though I have posted ‘before and after pictures’ before and I have posted unflattering pictures of myself and my journey,it’s never easy to do it publicly.I think it’s important to do it though because here on Instagram most of the things you see are pretty pictures and that’s ok.I have them myself but I think it’s also important to keep it honest and real and show the not so perfect images and stories sometimes.That’s the reality of life and we all have tough stories,battles and journeys and I am proud of mine. I am not here to brag about how much weight I’ve lost.This is about my tough journey which I am still on and will be for a long time,it’s about the mental battle and the battle with myself and then it’s about the kilos. I just want to show that we all have our battles,stories and journeys.This is firstly a mental battle then a physical one and it’s hard.The fight to get fitter and healthier starts with the head and the battle with yourself. I had many tough days and I still do.I used to binge eat,then starve myself,overtrain then undertrain and then feel sad and guilty.It was a vicious cycle and most worryingly I didn’t love myself. You ask yourself if it’s all worth it,who am I and why am I doing this to myself and why can’t I find the solution and win this battle. It’s still hard to find the balance sometimes.But I fight,I believe and I don’t give up.It doesn’t matter how many times you fall,it matters how many times you get up and try again. I just want to say that it’s not easy and trust me I know,but keep fighting.You will have highs and lows but just keep going.A day at a time.Don’t sweat that burger or cake you had but keep going and keep striving to be the best,healthiest and fittest version of yourself.Its all about balance and most importantly stay strong mentally and don’t stop loving yourself on the way. 🙏🙏🙏🙌💪💪💪❤️❤️❤️ #inspo #health #healthy #healthylifestyle #transformation #weightlossjourney #fitspo #loveyourself #inspiration #goals #journey #workhard #fitness #balance #bestversionofyou #healthyliving #wellbeing #fitnessmotivation #fitspiration #healthylife #melbourne #australia #empower

Une publication partagée par Jelena Dokic 🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺 (@dokic_jelena) le 12 Mai 2020 à 1 :48 PDT

Révélée à 16 ans

« Mais je ne suis pas là pour me vanter du poids que j’ai perdu », poursuit l’ancienne numéro 4 mondiale, aujourd’hui âgé de 37 ans, et qui a « travaillé dur » pour en arriver là et a voulu raconter son expérience afin que d’autres puissent en profiter. Une prise de poids consécutive à l’arrêt prématuré de sa carrière, en 2014, après plusieurs blessures dont une au poignet. Et l’Australienne, révélée en 1999 à Wimbledon, où, à 16 ans, elle avait atteint les quarts de finale en balayant au passage la numéro un mondiale Martina Hingis, aimerait bien rejouer.

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Where there is a will there is a way!!! So many people struggle to find balance when it comes to fitness,health,food and life. It’s actually very difficult to find the balance in our lives especially when it comes to fitness and food. So don’t beat yourself up if you are struggling to find balance. I struggled with this for a long time and I still do sometimes and that’s normal.No one is perfect. In saying that I think it’s important to work hard,try and find a way and solutions. You don’t need to workout for 5 hours a day,7 days a week.But at the same time it’s important to try and move your body every day.A 20 minute walk or a 20 minute home workout is all it takes to break a sweat and feel good both physically and mentally. I am the first to say that I have always been all or nothing type of person.But I’ve learnt to find the middle ground even though it’s still a challenge at times. I have always been someone who trains for hours and hours a day and if I didn’t do that I felt like I failed and then I wouldn’t do anything at all unless it was a long hard workout. I have learnt to change that and I have learnt to be happy and satisfied with 45 minutes a day.The same goes for my relationship with food.Its all about balance and not going overboard with eating too little or too much. It’s important to except that nothing comes easy in life and that includes our fitness and health goals. You have to work for it,sometimes get up earlier to fit in a workout or do it on your lunch break.But also don’t beat yourself up and know that a little exercise goes a long way and that piece of chocolate that you had won’t kill you. Make yourself,your fitness and health a priority and work for it but don’t forget that you still need to enjoy food,life and even your exercise routine so don’t be too tough on yourself. Find a way and not excuses but remember to have fun along the way. #fitness #fitnessmotivation #fitnessjourney #health #lifestyle #healthylifestyle #healthyliving #balance #balance #transformation #inspo #fitspo #fitspiration #inspiration #motivation #fun #enjoy #enjoylife #workhard #training #workout #melbourne #fitfam #instafit #weightlossjourney #fitnessfun #goals

Une publication partagée par Jelena Dokic 🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺 (@dokic_jelena) le 20 Févr. 2020 à 1 :47 PST

« J’adorerais rejouer »

« Je dis toujours : « Il ne faut jamais dire jamais ». Donc pourquoi pas, a-t-elle déclaré à la chaîne australienne Channel Nine. J’ai joué le tournoi des Légendes à l’Open d’Australie, et c’était la première fois que je rejouais depuis que j’ai arrêté. Et en fait, j’ai plutôt bien joué, même à la volée. Et ça faisait du bien de revenir là-bas et de jouer un peu au tennis. Donc j’adorerais rejouer, même si c’est en double ou lors des matches des Légendes, et avoir la chance de revenir à nouveau sur un court. » Pour imiter Tatiana Golovin et Kim Clijsters, qui ont-elles aussi récemment tenté un come-back sur le circuit ?

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