Possessing Djokovic, Nadal, Federer’s qualities doesn’t guarantee Alcaraz grand success, suggests Agassi

“Alcaraz defends like Novak, has more power and spin like Nadal, hands and finesse like Federer… but doesn’t mean he can do what they did”

Carlos Alcaraz, Davis Cup 2024 Carlos Alcaraz, Davis Cup 2024

Carlos Alcaraz has shown great promise in filling Novak Djokovic, Rafael Nadal, or Roger Federer’s shoes but Andre Agassi, the eight-time Grand Slam champion, has suggested there’s more to matching the Big Three’s exploits than just the skill level.

Alcaraz, aged 21, is already a four-time Major champion and has spent 36 weeks as the world No 1 in the ATP singles rankings. The Spaniard’s meteoric rise in recent years has given rise to various possibilities. He’s often considered a threat to Djokovic (24), Nadal (22), and Federer’s (20) respective Grand Slam tallies.

However, Agassi believes the youngster is guaranteed similar success despite possessing the qualities of the Big Three.

“Alcaraz defends like Novak, has more power and spin like Nadal, hands and finesse like Federer but just because he has the best of all the three doesn’t mean he can do what they did. There are so many parts to the game such as decision-making, injuries… luck,” Agassi told the media during TiE Global’s summit in Bengaluru, India.


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